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How to Tow an Excavator?

PC10 Mini Excavator

Towing an excavator requires proper equipment and caution. Here are the basic steps:

  1. Prepare a tow bar or hitch attachment compatible with your excavator’s weight and size.
  2. Attach the tow bar to the front or rear of the excavator, following the manufacturer’s instructions.
  3. Ensure the tow vehicle is sturdy enough to handle the weight of the excavator.
  4. Engage the emergency brake on the excavator and secure any loose components.
  5. Slowly and carefully tow the excavator, avoiding sudden movements or excessive speed.
  6. Regularly check the attachments and tow bar during the journey for any signs of damage or loosening.


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Jualan Cousultant : Puan Lucy
Perunding Jualan : Encik Mark

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