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How to Get Track on an Excavator?

HT10G Mini Excavator

Replacing tracks on an excavator requires specific tools and techniques. Here is a step-by-step guide:

  1. Ensure the excavator is on a level surface and the engine is turned off.
  2. Use a jack to raise the excavator’s track frame.
  3. Remove the old track by loosening the track shoe bolts and sliding it off.
  4. Clean the track frame and inspect it for any damage.
  5. Install the new track by aligning it with the sprocket and sliding it onto the track frame.
  6. Tighten the track shoe bolts and ensure proper tension.
  7. Lower the excavator and test the new track for smooth operation.

Conseiller en vente : Mme Lucie
Conseiller de vente : Monsieur Marc
  en direct:lucygao1520            

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