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How to Change Bucket on Sany Excavator?

How to Change Bucket on Sany Excavator?

Mini-pelle HT17

Changing the bucket on a Sany excavator can be done by following these steps:

  • Position the excavator on stable ground and engage the safety mechanisms.
  • Use the hydraulic controls to move the bucket into a horizontal position.
  • Release any pressure in the hydraulic system.
  • Remove the pins or bolts that secure the bucket to the excavator arm.
  • Detach the old bucket carefully and set it aside.
  • Attach the new bucket by aligning it with the arm and securing it with pins or bolts.
  • Test the new bucket’s functionality before resuming work.

Conseiller en vente : Mme Lucie
Conseiller de vente : Monsieur Marc
  en direct:lucygao1520            

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